Technology! This is a great word that holds almost everything connecting this digital era. In scientific words ‘technology is a stream of skills dealing with science & engineering’. Advancements in this branch results in offering lavish lives to the people of 21st century. Enhancements are saving the time & efforts earlier people use to put for accomplishing their tasks. Most of us want to get latest technical devices, and apps, no matter ‘how expensive it is?’ Bitdefender Support engineers request you to stop and think ‘is the race we are entering in safe?’
The Bitdefender Technical Support mavens want to provide the world with the answer to this question. In point of fact, taking part in this race is vital as we can’t afford lagging behind the competitors. But getting inside without a security guard is not right. Bitdefender Customer Support techies say that we should enjoy the ever-increasing technology but with care. Not just the advancing gadgets/ apps are on the rise but the threats as well. Therefore, the time needs precaution. Installing the latest app with innovative features increase our excitement. In the pleasure, we forget to consider the security. To be 100 % safe from the dangers, it is vital to be careful. For precautionary tips to stay safe from threats, contact Bitdefender Antivirus Support engineers. Let’s go through the blog including info on ‘a new and dangerous Whatsaap bug’.
As per some recent reports, Whatsaap messages are floating with a malicious bug. If the users open this bug, the virus can either crash the Whatsapp application or destroy the entire device. Apart from Whatsaap, there are many other apps that are victim to the same type of bugs. The name of one such app is Apple’s iMessage. As per Bitdefender Customer Support techies, this application was also the victim of many such bugs.
What takes place?
The cybercriminals execute sending & receiving bugs (in form of messages) hiding behind any other simple message. Clicking or opening the links will make the app to spread the secret bugs. This, in turn, overload and crash the app as well as the operating system of your device. The Bitdefender Support experts also tell that this Whatsaap message is floating in two variants.
- The 1st one appears with a message warning about ‘what will takes place if they click on it’. It contains black dot to for warn you.
- The 2nd one is worst as no warning message comes with it.
Both the variants include messages with special fonts, symbols, characters. These characters are invisible & accomplish the task of changing the behavior of text. Bitdefender Support’s reports say that the huge amount of such invisible characters results in freezing up of Whatsaap.
Millions of or we can say almost all people are using Whatsapp. If the cybercriminals achieve success in spreading threats via this stage, then it is as devastating as an earthquake. The Bitdefender Support professionals are making efforts to get rid of this danger. On your part, you should also help them to get success in removing the Whatsaap bug. Thinking ‘what you can do?’ As per Bitdefender experts, you can do a lot by preventing the bug from spreading. Some of the guidelines you must follow to support the techies are as follows:
Always keep an up-to-date antivirus software on your device –
You must be aware of the properties that an antivirus product means a security product holds. The security suite can act as a secret guard & protect your device from all types of threats. Apart from just installing, Bitdefender Customer Support engineers recommend keeping updating your antivirus. Regular upgrading/ updating of the security suite make it able to fight against even the new threats.
Escape yourself from malicious links –
Bitdefender Support technicians suggest to ignore luring (false) links. Don’t let yourself to attract towards the alluring links as clicking these can spread bugs.
At last, the Bitdefender Customer Support techies request you to be careful while using your online apps. You can increase your knowledge regarding the Whatsaap bug, or Apple’s iMessage by consulting Bitdefender Support engineers.
The experts are accessible for complete 24×7 hours to help you in regards to any concern of technical nature. Just dial toll-free Bitdefender Support Number – 1800-012-720 to get certain assistance. We are glad to help the clients from all over the world. No matter, you are living in USA, UK, Canada or Australia, just reach us. Call Bitdefender Support from anywhere to get a number of and excellent services at one place.